Monday 27 February 2012

This is another quick iamge that I mde on Photoshop with scanned in resources, I scanned a leaflet for the pokadots and the outline of the UK, I drew around a weather forecast in the newspaper, then scanned that in and erased the country and sea.


This is another version using the same resources as the image before, however I made 'The Sun' rise from behind the building.

The Sun

This is an image I created in Photoshop, I'm not a fan of this particular image but I think that it is important to try out different techniques and ideas before starting progress on the image manipulation that I am interested in. For this image I scanned in the background newspaper, copied an image of a cityscape from google images, erased the sky on the image and pinned a black layer over the original cityscape to make the silhouette. I copied the logo of The Sun from google images and warped it on Photoshop to make it look circular, then turned the hardness of a circular brush to zero to and brushed behind the sun to make it glow, then brushed lines using the same brush to show the heat of the sun and turned that layer to 8% opacity. All together this image is made from 3 images and one brush.

Monday 6 February 2012


This is another play around on photoshop using brushes, I used two different downloaded brushes for this, the first for the circles on the background (which change to differnt shades on their own) and another light streak brush for the lines behind the apple. I saved the apple logo from google images and then in a seperate photoshop document removed the white background it had, played with the hue and saturation to give the apple a blue colour to match my background, then copied and pasted it onto my background, them resized and positioned it. Im quite happy with how this turned out, but dont think I will be doing this style of image manipulation for my final image.

Friday 3 February 2012

Random play

This is one of the first plays on Photoshop to do with image manipulation I have done. I only spent 15 minutes on changing the bottom image to the one on the right. I'm not really a fan of the image I made but it was just to see what is possible with brushes. I like using the different brushes and I think ill definitely use them in my final image.