Monday 16 April 2012


Overall I think this project went okay, I wouldn't say it was my best project but I mag aged to finish everything on time with some results that I am Happy with. I quite like my three finals, especially the one of the car and the one I printed. I learnt alot of new things on photoshop, mainly downloading brushes ect, but I am now more confident on photoshop as a whole. I took the approach of learning new techniques first, then finding artists that I liked and trying to recreate and take ideas from their work. For example, the final I printed was heavily influenced by an Jeff Finley's work. If I were to do this project again, I would have spent less time messing around with brushes at the start of the project, and concentrated more on finals, as I had to complete one last final on the last day. Also, I had to print on the last day as well, which was risky because if there had been a fault with the printer, I wouldn't have been able to hand in on time. Overall though I think this project didn't go too well, and I didn't particularly enjoy this unit.