Tuesday 31 January 2012

Kid Spaniard

Kid Spaniard is an illustrator who also uses graphic design and photo manipulation to achieve her images. Her images look airbrushed and fake, although they come from a real image to start with, these two do anyway. Im not a fan of these types of imaging but i thought it would be good to research to show how diverse digital manipulation can be.

Patrick Morgan

Patrick Morgan is an illustratior who illustrates very accurately drawn, yet cartoon-like style images, based on real life images. I like his style and think that images like these could be quite easily made from real photographs using digital image manipulation. From a distance the second Chanel illustration looks quite real, however the colours show that it is obviouly not. This loks to me like it could have been made on Photoshop, Illustrator or something similar.

Monday 30 January 2012

This is the same Banksy image that i have quickly edited to show the difference it can make, they no longer look like the same image. This one loooks as though it could have been hand drawn and scanned in, or made from scratch on a programme like Photoshop or Illustrator.

Banksy art is interesting, it looks like it could have been made digitally and could be good to edit on Photoshop.